Surgical Services

Since anesthetics are used during the treatments, there is nothing to be afraid of. The patient doesn't feel much while the dentist works on them, and by the time the procedure is finished, the issue that brought them to the clinic has usually been resolved. Here are some of the standard surgical services that we offer. 

Oral surgeries are the only option for several dental health conditions. Luckily, modern surgical advances have made the process more effective and painless than ever before.

Common Dental Surgical Procedures

Dental Implants

The installation of dental implants, a standard method of replacing missing teeth, necessitates oral surgery. The implant is a rod or screw put into the patient's jaw during surgery. Most implants are titanium but can occasionally be made of zirconium or other materials.

Depending on the implant type used and the condition of the patient's jaw, a crown may be attached to the implant after it has been inserted. Others might have to wait up to six months for the implant and the surrounding bone tissue to fuse. 

Tooth Extraction

Sometimes a patient needs to have a tooth extracted, and a straightforward extraction is insufficient. In such a situation, a surgical extraction is carried out. The oral surgeon must cut into the patient's gums to access the tooth and extract it. Both local and general anesthesia is acceptable for performing it. Severe tooth decay, damage, or infection are common causes of tooth extraction.

Full Mouth Restoration

This surgical procedure occurs when a person's teeth have plenty of problems that must be fixed as soon as possible. A complete mouth restoration can help repair and restore your oral health by providing you with a series of dental operations tailored explicitly for your oral health.

Bone Grafting

What Exactly Is Bone Grafting?

We use various techniques to restore your jawbone and distinctive appearance. We use plasma-rich growth factors to hasten recovery after bone grafting and other procedures, a process that involves using proteins found naturally in the bloodstream.

We separate platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) from your blood using a centrifuge before injecting them into the treatment site to help your body heal.

What Happens if You Don’t Treat Your Bone Loss?

If you don’t treat the bone loss in in your mouth, your sinus may collapse in your upper jaw. To correct this, we use a delicate instrument to carefully lift your sinus cavity and place bone graft material underneath.  After the bone has healed, you will be able to receive dental implants.

Your jawbone is quite literally the foundation of your teeth. When your jaw has experienced significant degeneration, bone loss can occur. This will affect how your mouth functions and prevent you from restoring your smile through dental implants. Our dentist will remove a portion of your own or a donor's bone and place it in the area of bone loss.

What Happens After the Bone Is Grafted?

The grafted bone will osseointegrate and blend in with the rest of your jaw. Once completed, you can have your dental implants placed and begin reaping the benefits. If your bone loss is severe enough to compromise your facial aesthetics, we can use bone grafts to restore your jaw's natural, smooth shape in a procedure known as ridge augmentation.

Through our experience with cosmetic, restorative, and implant dentistry, we've helped many patients suffering from different oral health problems. If you want to heal, restore, and improve your dental health, visiting our office is your first step.

Are You Interested in Our Surgical Services in Montgomery, Alabama?

At Willis Dental Care, our team offers plenty of surgical treatments to help restore, repair, and renew your dental health. Give us a call today to start your treatment plan!


Same Day Dentistry

Time is valuable, and we strive to provide the best care to our patients on time. That is why we are pleased to offer CEREC 3D technology.

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